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Growing beautiful specialty and heirloom flowers below the glowing coral cliffs of Kanab is a milestone in a lifetime journey of ranching and farming. Loretta Clayson moved to Southern Utah as a two year old and has been connected to the land in one way or another ever since. In 2019, she perceived a growing need for people to experience nature for their emotional health and wellness and so she converted 2 acres of the family’s 33-acres of hayfields to cut flowers.  We all know that spending time outdoors is beneficial for life balance and mental wellness, but it is not always possible to do. The sight and smell of flowers commonly trigger pleasant memories or feelings of joy and peace. Flowers are an easy, convenient way to bring a little nature experience indoors. Journey Farm’s purpose is:

Grow flowers to ease the mind, feed the soul, refresh the spirit, and gladden the heart.

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